Between Riverside and Crazy
4th Wall Theatre, Houston TX , 2020
Director, William Pruit
Scenic Design, Ryan McGettigan
Lighting Design, Christina Gianelli
Costume Design, Cherie Acosta

"The place was mammoth, a warren of rooms and endless hallways. I stayed with him and Aunt Essie during a summer when I was looking for an apartment while at NY University, and when I saw Ryan McGettigan's paint-peeled walls, stained linoleum-floors, and worn vinyl-clad kitchen chairs, I was instantly transported to that dreamy NYC summer I spent with Uncle Paul and Aunt Essie. I met Guirgis's low-rent characters in the decrepit elevator. I felt grown-up, a little frightened, yet buoyed by the presence of these portraits out of Hogarth. How I loved that summer." - Houston Press

"Ryan McGettigan's scenic design is painfully authentic with it's rundown floors and peeling paint. ... Technically the whole production rivals the best of the best in Houston including The Alley." - Broadway World Houston