"Cape Rep director Victoria Flores’ staging, nimbly handled by a knockout cast that make this show, well, sing. She uses Ryan McGettigan’s main set-piece of a raised dais surrounded by frequently moved, hospital-room-style curtains in a myriad of clever ways, and the actors are clearly all-in (and having fun themselves) for this sometimes surreal ride." - Kathi Scrizzi Driscoll, Cape Cod Times
"Ryan McGettigan’s complex set of an operating room was ingenious and was aided by Phil Kong’s compelling lighting design." - Amy Tagliaferri, Cape Cod Chronicle
"Ryan McGettigan’s set design is perfect, with its circular hospital room surrounded by sliding curtains that are used to great effect and a black backdrop with illuminated MRI images of the brain." - Laurie Higgins, The Cape Codder
Bob Tucker - Photography