Black Lab Theatre, Houston, TX , 2012
Director, Justin Doran
Scenic Design, Ryan McGettigan
Costume Design, Macy Perrone
Lighting Design, Eric Marsh
Sound Design, Yezmine Zepeda

"Scenic design by Ryan McGettigan is magnificent. His underground bunker could not be more perfectly realized. His attention to detail is remarkable." - Buzz Belmont, Critic's Critic

"The set is almost a fourth character. [At] opening it has a classic, clean look: it's sparsely furnished, with white cabinets, a pallet bed on the floor, and a fish tank. But if you can't stand antiseptic, don't worry, help is on the way... the brilliant fourth character, designed by Ryan McGettigan, undergoes very, very substantial changes."
- Jim J. Tommany, Houston Press

"Ryan McGettigan has designed a fantastic set for the piece that optimally utilizes the space available. It is complex and highly detailed but feels magnificently minimalistic. Nothing seems inappropriate or out of place, allowing the set to complete the picture that the script and actors are creating in an exceedingly practical way. Furthermore, it is designed with the audience in mind and no seat in the small theatre seems to have been given a bad sightline." - David Clarke, Broadway World